To pay larger family memberships with PayPal, begin here:
1. Sign on to your PayPal account at 2. Click the "Send Money" tab. 3. Enter recipient: To: "membership$$" (replace the $$ with the "at" sign) 4. Enter the Amount ($20 and $2 for each additional family membership) 5. Currency: Select: "USD - U.S. Dollars" from the drop-down menu 6. Category of Purchase: For - Service/Other 7. Click "Continue" 8. Under Payment Method: choose your method of payment (use "More Funding Options" if necessary) 9. Shipping Address: should say "No Shipping Required" 10. Message to Recipient: Subject: indicate purpose of payment (e.g., "Annual Dues" or "Donation", etc.) 11. Message to Recipient: Message: indicate your Name, Callsign, and any changes to your personal information (address, phone numbers, email, etc.). 12. Click the "Send Money" button.