Klub Meetings
Net Schedule

General Meetings

The Livermore Amateur Radio Klub's general meetings are held from 9:30am to 12:00pm local time on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Livermore City Council Chambers, 1016 South Livermore Ave, Livermore, California.

The meetings usually have a short business segment followed by a technical or general interest presentation. The famous "Klutz Award" rounds out each meeting. Visitors are welcome!

Directions: Livermore Council Chambers, 1016 South Livermore Ave. Livermore, CA.

  • To get to the meeting take Hwy 580 to North Livermore Ave., go south through downtown Livermore.
  • Continue through the downtown intersection (becomes South Livermore Ave.) past the flagpole.
  • You'll pass through about more 3 lights and travel about 0.7 mile.
  • On the left you'll see a shopping center.
  • The Council Chamber is at the corner of S. Livermore Ave. and Pacific Ave.
  • Handicap parking only behind the building.  All other parking in the Public lot further along S. Livermore Ave.

GPS Location
N37° 40.540'
W121° 45.460'

Talk-in Frequency:
147.120 MHz,  + offset,  PL: 100.0
145.350 MHz,  - offset,  PL: 100.0

Pre-Meeting Breakfast
   Location is changing.  details to be confirmed later.

Board/Business Meetings
The Livermore Amateur Radio Klub's board meetings are now being held virtually and held on a designated evening prior to the LARK monthly meetings. Those interested in attending these meetings need to contact the club President or Secretary for the Zoom link.

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Contact:  email address is a picture to avoid spam!
Last Updated: 02/19/24